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Addiction-Social networks

Social networks addiction.

We live in a globalized world where technology makes us closer and keep in touch with people from other places, but there are cases that overuse of social networks makes us become addicted to them.

Social networking has changed our lives in 360 °. It is very rare, now people do not have a profile on Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, etc., and not just among young people 
also adults delve increasingly these networks.

Many people feel the need to live continuously connected 24 hours a day, and do not conceive life without checking, what their contacts do, without sharing everything they do, post pictures, where they are, etc. 

The not knowing how to manage time that we give for the use of social networks and abuse these tools can lead to numerous negative consequences such as: harming our personal and professional relationships, lose focus, neglecting really important things to provoke stress and anxiety .

This addiction can occur in anyone in the world that uses them. When abused social networks and begins to lose communication with people around, the alarm goes on. The dialogue is the way, which binds all members of the family, through this concern, affection and common interests are based.

But if the interest of family members, focuses on the use of technological media and social networks, distances are generated, as people tend to isolation, disconnected from the real world and assume sullen and aggressive attitudes people around. Besides that in many cases they begin to criticize others, create gossip, so they know their contacts better than their own family.

One study said that the most active Facebook users have narcissistic tendencies and some researchers found evidence that the act of disclosing information about oneself is connected to the same regions of the brain that are linked to the reward. This could be a reason why some people may be addicted to publish and share information on social networks.
You want to know if you're addicted to social networks?

Jeff Bullas, an expert in social media marketing among other specialties, created a test with which you can check if you're addicted to social networks.
  1. When you leave your Smartphone at home you have a feeling anxiety and loneliness, because you can not read Facebook or Twitter. 
  2. You go into Facebook, about 20 times a day.
  3. If you do not receive a comment in less than twelve hours, you have negative thoughts. 
  4. If you're a weekend away without your computer suffer palpitations.
  5. You have more icons of social networks than, useful apps for your phone. 
  6. You count with an iPad just to update your Facebook status while you're on the move or out.
  7. You have more online friends in real life. 
  8. Write on twitter while you walk. 
  9. Sign in to Facebook before brushing your teeth in the morning. 
  10. You go to Facebook or Twitter after bedtime.

What kind of addict are you?
  • Alarms. It is permanently pending updates of social networks that is user. And it has activated mobile alerts for all of them. The problem: total lack of concentration (at work, in social relationships in the real world, in the household chores, etc.). 
  • Guru. Person who believes it is a social media expert and, in general, the use of internet. It may or may not. You can have a job related to the sector that has allowed him to learn about it or have learned so much use social networks. 
  • Shortens texts. Wants to end as soon as possible to write messages and comments. Abbreviates all the words. The trouble is that sometimes reduces them so much that their messages are incomprehensible.
  • Creator of verbs. Talk with words created from the names of social networks, such as "I have to tweet this" or "Google it" or "send me an Whatsapp". 
  • Unrepentant blogger. The most used phrase is "You should read an article I wrote about that in my blog". Is frustrated if people do not read your articles and prefer a direct response! 
  • Influencer. They believe their comments are read by many people and influence them in their decision-making or their views on issues of technology and the Internet. Constantly measure their influence, their statistics on social media. In fact, they spend more time measuring this alleged influence than creating it.
  • King of the check-ins. This addict uses, especially, Foursquare or any social network geolocation service. In their accounts you can be read thousands of times "X was here." Makes check-in at all times and at all locations: at the coffee morning at the restaurant, at the gym, at the supermarket ...
  •  "I like it". Is dedicated to click the "Like" or retweet all your contacts. Instead, you'll never see you comment or write something of their own.
  • Verifier. Look their mobile every minute if there has been any updates on their accounts. 
  • Grumpy. If a social network goes down it is the end of the world and their cries will be heard even in hell. The anger can last for days, although the technical problem is resolved in a few minutes.

TAKE NOTE: The use of social networks is not bad, on the contrary, provides entertainment, communication, relationships, etc., but if abuse is harmful to physical and mental health.

Do you're addicted to social networks? 



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