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Unexpected visit.

A skunk at home.

Near my house there is a stream and we had unexpected visits from different animals like snake, tlacuache, ferret, macaw, rat, mouse, lizards, but we had never had a visitor like Friday night, everything was quiet, even We were already sleeping, until the dog (we already have another puppy that we adopted from the street) began to bark, run and make a lot of noise.

At first I thought it was another mouse, I got up to see my window which was open because the heat started (this window looks towards the garden and the garage), obviously nothing was seen, but I noticed a smell very strange, I thought something was burning, but my dog was very restless, I went up to my parents' room and I woke up my mom and when she smelled, she said: it smells like a skunk.

I returned to my room and closed the window because the fumigation of the skunk entered directly into my room, the smell is so intense that I could not sleep in my bed, I preferred to go to the living room, I could not sleep because the smell had already entered the house , my brothers left their room and smelled the surprise, but they returned to their room.

In the morning the dog was calm, we had breakfast, I went out and the dog was completely impregnated with the smell and I tied it so that it would not scare the skunk anymore, then one of my brothers came out just like my dad and I decided to bathe my dog, because I read that it is important to do it immediately.  

My dad took the cars out of the garage and my brother started moving all the things that were there to get the skunk out, I bathed the dog (poor thing smells really bad, but I hope it will be removed soon) I made a mix of the dog shampoo with bicarbonate and I waited a few minutes, then I rinsed it and put his deodorant. 

As for my brother, he made a way with the things in the garage, the skunk was still on the defensive, but he managed to get the skunk out the door, and began the task of washing the garage. So far the smell continues, but in less power (or maybe I got used to it). The only thing I can recommend is that plug any hole in the doors and do not keep so many things in the garage because these animals see them with the potential of a home. 

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