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The story that changed my life.
This timeI will talk about a personal stage that completely changed my life and the life of my family.

I want to begin by sharing that I have type 1 diabetes and exactly all started in 2000 when I was diagnosed.

From what I can remember, before the doctor told us about what diabetes is that I started losing weight, but do not relate to any symptoms, because at that time I had changed my diet, I got tired a lot to climb stairs, I could not breathe, once almost lost the sense in flag ceremonies, also began to urinate more than usual, slept a lot, I stopped eating because I had no strength to eat and the strangest thing happened to me was that I started to get sick of the airways, and this was the beginning, my parents took me with a doctor who said it could be that I was allergic to dogs, dust, etc., very nearly I had to live in a sphere ( well, that I thought).

Then I remember was a Friday last day of school and my parents, my younger brother and I were at a Christmas festival of school and when it ended we got into the car and I fell asleep, my dad bought me a juice I drank and I woke up, we went to my grandmother's house and went back to sleep on the couch, coming home I was not hungry and only ate a jelly, that night I felt very bad, I woke up because my stomach hurt and part of the lungs, I could not breathe, my dad prepared me a papaya juice, but after I threw up and I always try to hold on, but I could not at that time, my parents took me to the doctor who had sent me to do X-rays of my lungs, when we were in the x-ray, my mom had to help me because I was fading away, could not stand up, my mom seeing this told my dad that they had to take me to a hospital to not waste any more time and so they did took me to a private hospital.

Upon arrival, they upgraded me to the emergency room, do not remember much but my mom tells me that the doctor made me a blood test, and this was because the doctor wanted to rule out the idea that I had an overdose (I was 11 and I I was too mature to walk in those things) obviously my mom knows me perfectly knew that was not true, that I had something else, and when they saw the blood results confirm that it was not overdose and realized that my sugar levels were at 520 too high, and I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, was upgraded to a room where I spent the night very restless, I moved much, I got them to take an orange juice (other juice), and that was when I had a diabetic coma and my feet were turning purple.

I was transferred to intensive care and there was a few days, controlling my sugar with insulin, one day I managed to wake up completely and all because I was hungry after several days without eating anything, that I do have it very present, I was dreaming of a cheeseburger (was very hungry), I still did not know what had happened to me, my family visited me, of course not all at the same time because it is not allowed.
I was in intensive care until Christmas, there I received my gifts, then they upgraded me to a room, I had to start walking slowly accompanied by my mom and serum, I was very weak and my legs were shaking, one day my parents were talk to the doctor and I was alone in the room (accompanied by my good friend the serum), came to my room a nurse, checked the serum, and with a not very nice way she told me that I had type 1 diabetes, (we agree that she was not the person who had to tell me), I began to cry, I not understand anything, I did not know what diabetes was, I was confused and scared with everything, when my parents arrived I asked them if it was true and they confirmed it and they explained what it was and how diabetes is controlled. 

I did not understand, did not know what had happened to me, I was a time of mixed feelings, of fear of injections, but of course with the help of doctors and support of my family gradually I managed to accept and adapt my new life.

I left the hospital on December 30 and celebrated New Year with my family in my house. My parents were grocery shopping, turkey ham, bread, milk light, and more things to start my balanced diet, remember I had to do exercises to strengthen my lungs after I spent several days with oxygen.

I was going with a doctor, but my parents were not convinced with her, one of my uncles, he talked to them about a very good endocrinologist who was attending to his boss, this doctor is in high demand but they did their best to get an appointment with him, they were first to talk with the doctor and then was me, and from that moment everything in my life improved, it is a very good doctor, as he has been able to control my blood sugar very well.

My mother at first was she who injected insulin to me, and then I removed my fear of injections and started to inject myself. Then later the doctor had to make changes in the units of insulin, because my crazy female hormones, in fact there was a time I was a bit uncontrolled in sugar levels, but it was controlled. It is not for nothing but the doctor tells me he's proud of my progress and how I moved forward with my diabetes, as well he treats many people with diabetes and not all do.  

Currently I have 15 years with type 1 diabetes (in December 2015 I celebrated) and I'm still here and I will not never give up, I love you so much my life that I do everything that is in my hands and more to be well controlled, I have a very healthy life, 2 years ago, I go with a nutritionist, who is also a diabetes educator with whom I managed to keep my weight and follow a diet (eating balanced, that's all), and well, today there are many products suitable for diabetics, so I do not miss at all eat sugar (in fact there was a girl who eat too much candy), I work out 6 times a week, I know that maybe you think it's too much, but it really helps to control blood glucose and stay healthy.

"Everything in this life can be if you put your mind, no surrender is paramount."
Cynthia Carina Ortiz Chávez 

As you could notice, I was not overweight, I did not eat excessively candies, to this day we do not know the reason of my diabetes, in the next post I will talk about the different types of diabetes. 


Recetas saludables.

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