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Type 2 diabetes.

What is it?

Type two diabetes is the best known and most common, because it is responsible for 90-95% of all cases of the disease. In these cases the pancreas continues to produce insulin completely, but is not released in time in response to elevated glucose that occurs after a meal, resulting in glucose levels increase before insulin release. This is called insulin resistance.

The cause of type 2 diabetes has more to do with lifestyle issues such as obesity. Although weight is not everything, because it is unlikely that these develop in relation to a single factor, as several factors may act together, among the causes that may act together they are: genetics, inactivity, age (in generally at age 40 or more, although it can also occur in young people).


Symptoms develop over time and take longer to manifest so it is difficult to detect. Some of the symptoms that people with type 2 diabetes may occur:
  • Any of the symptoms of type 1 diabetes 
  • Frequent infections
  • Blurry vision 
  • Cuts / bruises that are slow to heal  
  • Tingling or numbness in the hands or feet
  • Recurrent infections of the skin, gum or bladder  

People with type 2 diabetes can control their glucose through good nutrition and taking an active life. But, the doctor may need to prescribe an oral medication or insulin to reach their desired target glucose level. Usually type 2 diabetes worsens over time, even if you do not need medication at first, may need them later. So it is preferable to follow the doctor's prescriptions and try to control a little more food.


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