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A few days ago I read about a case that was about the Diabulimia, was a girl (I say was because now deceased) who had type 1 diabetes, but began to have eating problems because she wanted to be thin, induced vomiting, stopped eating and she stopped injecting insulin that her body needed to lose weight, but it brought more problems in her body until she died.

Weight gain produced by the initial use of insulin in diabetics has caused some adolescent patients decide not to use it and make use of purgative methods so as not fat, is the case of a disorder known as diabulimia.

People who suffer this type of diabetes must take strict control of their diet, which can lead to obsessions and eating disorders. Even exercise, so healthy for diabetics, it can become a double-edged sword to be done compulsively to lose weight.

The Diabulimia itself is a disorder in which people with type 1 diabetes skip their insulin injections in order to lose weight. Without insulin, blood sugar levels rise so that the cells can not take up glucose, and body, in an attempt to reduce blood sugar, expels excess glucose in the urine. The result is weight loss.

Diabulimia symptoms may appear abruptly and resemble those of diabetes: fatigue, excessive hunger, thirst, desire to constantly urinate and concentration difficulties. It also is accompanied by the damage associated with the eating disorder: missed periods, slow growth and development if it occurs in adolescence, gastric problems, dental, skin, etc.

On many occasions people with diabulimia not necessarily show behaviors such as food restriction, vomiting or excessive exercise, the disorder can go unnoticed. The patient is often unaware of their problem and professionals and family can interpret the symptoms as a patient with "deadbeat" diabetes, regardless of the basic psychological problem. Therefore it is important to know some of the signs presented:

  • Glycated hemoglobin consistently high. 
  • Frequent hospitalizations for diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA). 
  • Unreliable results glycemic controls or absence of these. 
  • Irregular or missing menstrual periods. 
  • Unexplained weight fluctuations. 
  • Excessive worry about their weight and dissatisfaction with their body image. 
  • Irregular feeding patterns. 
  • Upset by having to take insulin in the presence of others. 
  • Collecting food. 
  • Lack of awareness of the problem and constancy appointments with professionals. 
  • Depression, anxiety, mood swings and / or fatigue.   
The effects of diabulimia by not applying adequate insulin are: cause blindness, kidney failure, diabetic coma or limb amputation. This disease usually occurs in adolescence and is more common in women than in men.

According to research Diabetics With eating disorders, 40 percent of women with Type 1 diabetes sufferers diabulimia.

Once diagnosed, the diabulimia should be treated with a specialist as a psychologist or psychiatrist for the person who has it can overcome it. 

The only thing I could tell you as a person with type 1 diabetes, is yes you can get to a healthy weight, of course it is not as easy as other people without diabetes but can, I guarantee you, eating well, applying your dose of insulin and exercise can be achieved, never threatening your life, we only have one and we have to fight to stay in this world and enjoy, not get carried away by all the publicity with super thin models, as well as having obesity is not healthy, neither is, be skeletal. Take care of your health and your life. 


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