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Day of the Dead

 Day of the Dead
November 2
One of the most representative traditions of Mexico, is the Day of the Dead, it is customary to celebrate from the first of November, which is dedicated to the souls of children, called "All Saints" and the November 2 the soul adults "faithful departed" or "Day of the Dead".

The origin of the Day of the Dead, has a history related to crossbreeding.It comprising indigenous cultural features, which date back to pre-Hispanic times, and Spanish features which, when mixed, giving rise to all the rites and ceremonies that take place around the holiday.
This special and beautiful holiday was declared in 2003 by UNESCO as a Masterpiece of Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity.
During the Day of the Dead, the offerings have a leading role, because through them, people remember deceased loved ones and share what they liked in life. 

It is popularly believed that the souls of our loved ones returning for Day of the Dead, so they should get, with the most representative of the festival in Mexico element and are the altars with their different offerings that have their characteristic meaning as: 

  • Papel picado ("perforated paper, literally peckered paper"): Is a decorative craft made out of paper cut into elaborate designs. Brings color and life to the altar. La Catrina, created by artist Jose Guadalupe Posada in the early 20th century, is its most traditional form, and generally are of colors: purple, pink and orange to symbolize the union of life and death.
  • Cross: This symbol was incorporated by the Spaniards with religion. The cross should be at the top of the altar and may be made of salt or ash.
  • White candles: Symbolize faith and hope. Its flame guide souls on their way.
  • Copal: Used to scare away evil spirits, allowing the soul to enter your home safely. It is also used, the incense which was brought by the Spaniards. 
  • Flowers: In particular, it is used cempazúchil flower representing the earth. 
  • Sal: Clean the body of the deceased during the journey, and purifies it for the following year.
  • Personal belongings of the deceased and photographs: as a tribute. 
  • Favorite food and drink of the deceased: The deceased can enjoy it on his return.
  • Pan de Muerto: This element was also added by the Spaniards arrival. It is a representation of the Eucharist.It has a double meaning. For one, it represents the Cross of Christ; on the other, the strips of bark represent bones and sesame, tears of souls who have not found rest.
  • Natural water: Calms thirst for souls and gives them strength for the journey back to the underworld.
  • Candy skulls (calaveritas de dulce): Usually with the deceased's name written on their foreheads.
Traditional altars have levels, which can be 2, 3 and 7 levels.

The two levels are the most common today, represent the division of heaven and earth; The three levels represent heaven, earth and the underworld, but also can refer to them as elements of the Holy Trinity, and the altar seven levels representing the levelsthat the soul must pass to reach the place , its spiritual rest.

If you have the opportunity to come to Mexico and do so at this time enjoy and experience the colorful, party and fun of this beautiful Mexican tradition.


Recetas saludables.

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