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Different Teas

Let's talk about teas

Most of us have drunk different types of teas, either chamomile or peppermint (which to me personally I don't like much but that's another story), but some years ago became a "fashion" drink green tea, red, black and white, now I write about the properties and benefits of different teas.

Chamomile tea

The main properties of this herb are: anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, antibacterial and sedatives.

  • They help improve the immune system and fight infections associated with colds. 
  • Relieve muscle spasms and menstrual cramps in women.
  • Relax the nervous system, and thus relieves the symptoms of stress.
  • Calm and settle the stomach due to its anti-spasmodic properties.
  • Relieve inflammation and improve liver function.
  • Soothe back pain and pain associated with rheumatism.
  • It helps you sleep.

Peppermint tea

It comes from a plant whose scientific name is Mentha spicata. Like all plants of this family  mentha, this
is rich in menthol, vitamins such as potassium, calcium, manganese, iron and magnesium, additionally containing other antioxidants such as vitamin A, beta carotene, vitamin C, vitamin B6, riboflavin and thiamine without mentioning its so pleasant scent that helps to relax.

It has antispasmodic, antiseptic, analgesic properties and many more.

  • It is effectively used to treat pregnant women with symptoms of nausea and classical disease morning. Additionally it can be used on newborns to treat colic. 
  • Because of its carnitiva action, peppermint helps relieve flatulence, irritable bowel symptoms and stomach and intestinal pains. 
  • Peppermint tea has anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties that help alleviate problems such as sore throat, sinus congestion and nose.

Rose tea

The rose petal tea is a variety that has become fashionable in recent times. Its use can help greatly in keeping the body fully debugged and in perfect condition.

  • Regularly consume tea roses will allow us in the first place purify our body, it acts on the liver and gallbladder, cleaning, plus diuretics activating mechanisms with which we can perfectly regulate our fluid retention. 
  • It contains another interesting property that we must consider: its levels of antioxidants, particularly catechin polyphenols. 
  • Ability to relieve pain caused by menstruation. 
  • It is also effective for those breathing problems caused by colds and flu. 
  • Relieve insomnia and fatigue, for example helping to find rest and relief after a long day of work.
Green tea

Green tea is made from the Camellia Sinensis plant. It has antioxidant properties and chemicals called polyphenols that are responsible for most of the benefits of green tea.

This tea is not fermented, unlike black tea. The fresh leaves are collected. After undergoing roasting, pressed, they rolled, shredded and dried. Green tea is between fourth and fifth of the total tea produced worldwide. The main green tea producing countries are China, Japan and Vietnam.

  • Antioxidant, anticancer and antibiotic properties. 
  • Prevents heart disease and liver.
  •  Lowering cholesterol and triglycerides.
  •  Protection against atherosclerosis.
  •  Decreased body fat.
  •  Regulation of blood insulin level.
  • Optimal for the treatment of diabetes and obesity

Red tea

Red tea or Pu-erh, has its origins thousands of years ago in the province of China, Yunnan.

This tea is made from leaves and stems of the plant Camellia sinensis, includes a fermentation process and extended storage, what is commonly known as "aging" under conditions of high humidity.

The aging process can last years, and it's at this stage that red tea gets its distinctive flavor. A red good quality tea has a delicious and penetrating taste, some say it has dumps or similar to a mushroom flavors.

  • Red tea is considered an excellent drink to help digestion and cleansing the blood. 
  • Among the properties of red tea is lovastatin, a substance used as a drug for reducing cholesterol.
  • Apparently red tea may also help prevent cancer because of its antioxidant properties.
  • The red tea has been used to treat colds, arteriosclerosis and hepatitis. 
  • One benefit of red tea is weight reduction.

White tea

White tea is probably the most unknown variety of tea. It is obtained from buds and young leaves of the Camellia Sinensis plant native to China. These leaves and buds are dried in the sun and processed to prevent oxidation and fermentation. This type of tea, just as it manipulated simply dried in the sun and air, preserved almost intact all its properties, as the leaves mature naturally without rust.

  • Its use is ideal for reducing cholesterol levels in the blood, also decreases body fat. 
  • It helps stimulate fluid retention.
  • It works to improve the digestive process.
  • Increases the body's metabolism, making you can burn fat more efficiently and quickly.
  • Prevents suffer infections and helps to combat mental and physical fatigue.
  • Contains anticancer properties,, which are suitable to prevent any type of cancer anticancer properties.
  • It's a natural drink that has no calories, so avoid that gain weight. 
  • Its use is perfect for increasing energy, memory and so have better concentration.

Black tea
The black tea comes from the plant Camellia Sinensis that from a certain process, is in charge of providing the deep dark color. The caffeine in tea itself makes an excellent stimulant for the human body as well as a restorer of diseases.
  • Improves the immune system. 
  • Improves cardiovascular health.
  • Prevention of diabetes.
  • Thanks to its flavonoid content is useful to improve the capacity of both expansion and contraction of blood vessels.
  • It helps the HDL (good) cholesterol will not rust.
  • Prevents formation of dental caries.
  • High in antioxidants, especially flavonoids.
  • Its most prominent, nutritional characteristic is that it has a somewhat higher rate of theine, than the rest of the teas, although it's very rich in minerals such as zinc, calcium, chromium, magnesium, manganese, iron, potassium, phosphorus, fluorine and aluminum. 
  • Its theine content relieves fatigue and can relieve the headache or headache when it is tiredness.

Oolong tea ( blue tea )
Blue tea, is of Asian origin, is a tea from China and Taiwan, which is unique in flavor and properties, its taste is a balance between red, black a green tea, is very aromatic, the process of obtaining it is by semi fermentation.
  • It helps reduce heart problems. 
  • It helps in the digestive process.
  • It provides vitamins and minerals to the body.
  • Aid wellness.
  • It has rejuvenating properties.
  • Regulates cholesterol in the body.
  • For the smooth functioning of the lungs.
  • It is hypoglycemic (lowers blood sugar).
  • Lowers blood pressure.
  • Calms thirst.
  • Reduces the effects of alcohol. 
  • Promotes healthy teeth.

Rooibos tea

Rooibos tea, comes from a shrub from South Africa.

  • Improves digestive and intestinal disorders. 
  • Strengthens teeth and bones. 
  • Slows aging. 
  • Improved some skin problems. 
  • It is remineralizing.
  • It helps you lose weight. 
  • Works with oral health. 
  • Balances the nervous system. 
  • Prevents fatty liver. 
  • Calm allergies. 
  • Reduce stress. 
  • Promotes heart health.


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