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Posttraumatic stress-FuerzaMéxico-FuerzaCaribe

Post-traumatic stress disorder due to natural disasters.

Benjamín Domínguez Trejo, an academic at the Faculty of Psychology at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), said that people who have experienced a natural disaster of a great magnitude, such as the earthquakes of September 2017 in Mexico and hurricanes in the Caribbean, may being prone to post-traumatic stress and if not treated on time this disorder can last up to 20 years.

What is PTSD?

It is a severe emotional reaction to extreme psychological trauma caused by a situation that the person considers to endanger his or her own life or that of a person or group of people close to it, such as a strong earthquake, and the individual's mental defenses may not being able to assimilate it. Symptoms appear hours or days after the event.

People who live a dangerous event are stressed, as Dr. Maricela Alvarado, Director of Counseling and Welfare of the Tecnológico de Monterrey of Mexico, city, explained: "it is a survival reaction to a crisis with which the body is prepared in a state of maximum alert to be able to respond "And "post-traumatic stress is a sequel to it."


  • Sleep Disorders 
  • Frequent startle reaction 
  • Flashbacks or re-experimentation events 
  • Anxiety 
  • Tachycardia 
  • Sweating 
  • Memory problems 
  • Panic attacks 
  • Feelings like guilt
  • Fear 
  • Lose the desire to work 
  • Do not socially coexist 
  • Refuge in alcohol and drugs

What to do?

According to research by academic institutions: UNAM and Tecnológico de Monterrey, Dr. Maricela Alvarado and Dr. Benjamín Domínguez shared the following recommendations:

Rest of the news
Avoid watching, reading or listening to content related to the natural disaster, for at least 4 hours a day.

Search social support.
Stay with people with whom you feel supported and trust: friends, family, even pets, to express and share their experiences. And writing what you have in mind is a great help.

Take care of food.

Stay hydrated and decrease the consumption of carbohydrates and sugars, so that the body processes the experience.

Seek professional help.
Go with the physical and mental health professionals who are the best to handle these cases. Also look for the centers, or lines of help that can be offered by academic and health institutions.

Not treating this disorder, according to specialists may have long-term consequences such as other mental disorders or physical symptoms such as migraines, colitis, gastritis, phobias, as well as "other level" diseases in extreme cases.

Your health is the most important, do not leave for tomorrow what you can do today, seek help to get ahead and overcome this disorder.



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