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Soccer Facts.

This time I decided to write about a topic that most people love, soccer.

Sport known in Mexico as "Fútbol",  is also called soccer, is played between two teams of 11 players each and an umpire that ensures that the rules are met correctly, played in a rectangular field of grass, with a football goal on each side of the field. The aim of the game is to move a ball across the field to try to locate the opposing goal within what is known as "goal". The team that scores the most goals after the match is the winner. The football matches last 90 minutes, divided in 2 periods of 45 minutes each, but if the result is very closed they increase up to 25 minutes more.

It is considered the most popular sport in the world, with 270 million people participating in it.

Data that every true fan of soccer "knows or should know:

  • The origins of football go back to the third century BC. C in China, with the ts'uh Kúh game that was to throw the ball to a net.  
  • In Central and South America there was a very similar sport called Tlachtli or ulama, better known as "juego de pelota" (ball game). 
  • In classical Greece Homer, alluded to a ball game called Esfaira or Esferomagia.
  • From the nineteenth century, football began to play by the creation of The Football Association and current rules of football were created with the idea of standardizing the various variants of football played in public schools in England. 
  • At first football in Britain was characterized by having few rules and being extremely violent. Richard Mulcaster was the one who eliminated the violence of football.
  • Between 1857 and 1878 was used the Sheffield Code, also known as the Sheffield Rules, created by Nathaniel Creswick and William Prest, adopted rules that are reflected in current football, such as the use of a rigid crossbar (horizontal pole), rather than The tape that was used so far. Also adopted the use of free kicks, corner loots and throw serves as methods of resumption of play.   
  • On May 26, 1928, the Congress of the International Federation of Associated Football, located in Amsterdam, decided to organize a championship with all affiliated nations, the World Cup. The first World Cup was played in Uruguay in 1930. The host country was the first to win this championship.  
  • The youngest player to win a World Cup was Pele when he won the final to Sweden in 1958, was only 17 years and 237 days.  
  • The player of most weight, was the English William Foulke (1874-1916) average 1.90 and weighed 141 kilos, a game was interrupted since it unintentionally broke the post of the arc. Finishing his career at Bradford City came to weigh 165 kilos.

These are just some facts, enjoy the games and stop violence in stadiums. 


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