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Life partner-pet

Say goodbye to your pet.

Pets are not just little animals are part of the family, and therefore it becomes very difficult and sad to have to say goodbye. I want to share my story because a few days ago my partner and guardian closed his eyes forever and for me writing it is like therapy and it does me a lot of good.

His name was Puma (the truth is that I do not remember the reason for the choice of that name), born on October 28, 2002, he was the best labrador that came into life in 2003 and grew up with me, I remember that day when my mom and I went to meet him (my dream of having a labrador arrived, I have to say that I wanted with all my being to have a dog of this breed because I consider these dogs are the most beautiful in the world), arriving at the house where he and his family lived was love at first sight, he approached me and somehow he was destined to live with me.

When we brought him to his new home, he met Thor (a German shepherd) and got scared and hid behind me, that day he slept inside the house, we set up his space for him to sleep (next to the stairs to go to the room Of my parents), when I installed it stayed there and I went to my room, and at night surprisingly I hear that my door is open and was Puma who wanted to play, but I returned him to his room because was late, that night I think he did not sleep much because he learned to go up and down the stairs, the next day when I went to see him, he was sitting in a sofa waiting for me and in his room were my dad's flip-flops (oh and a little present on the floor, but he was very happy).

That was not his only mischief, no sir, when he got used to staying in the garden with Thor (the other dog), grabbed his taste for eating pots and car cleaners (to this day I do not understand, how he reached them and took them away, because it was only the black plastic to protect the glass), my dad was not very happy with that. 

When we had to take his appointment with the vet was a crossing because we had to climb many stairs and Puma did not want to walk, my baby was afraid, and of course I had to carry in my arms to get to the vet's office (he was very heavy), but returned safely to his house. He was not a materialistic dog, he liked simple toys and he chose them, when we left he went to a vacant lot and took the plastic bottles and was the happiest dog with his new toy.

Puma went to school, and learned to sit very well and to walk beside me, he was a lover of eating apples and pears from the garden trees. My room and his room were separated by a wall with a window, I could hear him very well, some nights he liked talking to other dogs all night, but he was an obedient dog that when I told him not to talk and leave to sleep, he did it (well sometimes).  

He was very intelligent and sensitive, managed to detect when I had hypoglycemia at night, so much, that was the alarm for my parents, so they went to my room to help me. He was also a very kind dog, he accepted other members of the family easily and could identify the engine of the cars of my house. On one occasion my father had an accident in the garden and when we went out to help him, Puma was there with him to protect him and help him (it can be said that it was on that occasion when my dad forgave Puma for all the pots, little plants and cleaners which he destroyed). 

Later came the illness, he had hip dysplasia (with medicine for a while he managed to be very well), but when a tumor appeared on his skin, the worry came to my life, he was operated and everything came out perfect, but more tumors appeared (on three occasions he was operated), but Puma struggled to recover (he was already an old dog and his gray hair started to come out). 

The moment when we knew that soon the day would come when he would close his eyes, it was when inside his house began to bark and bark all night, when I went out to see him, he could not get up, with the help of my brother, we had to dismantle the house to lift Puma, it was when I convinced my parents to build a bigger house, where he had room to move and get up easily, and we did, sometimes I had to help him get up, and I used to walking through the garden of the house with him, but he remained the same and was getting worse.

But Saturday August 19, 2017, when I knew that the end was closer, that day he could not get up, I was with him, I cried, I talked to him and I told him everything that was for me, the important thing that he was in my life (the best dog, friend, companion of my life and I thanked him for filling my life with joy). 

Sunday was still the same, the vet went to check him and injected, Puma calmed down and we moved to the garage, that night for him was desperate, because he could not get up and pee like he used to, Monday was all wet, my brother helped me to move him and I gave him a bath, I put his shampoo and I rinsed it, Puma calmed down and relaxed, his breathing was slow, that day was when he left this world, I cried and I still cried because for me it was to lose my baby to a member of my family. I know that he is much better now, I imagine him running, eating apples and / or pears, with his shiny black hair and very happy. 



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