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New Year's Eve

Celebrate the new year.

Another year is over and everyone has their way of celebrating, but in some countries the new year does not begin on January 1st.

For example, one of the earliest records of an end-of-year celebration corresponds to the Akitu spring festival celebrated in ancient Mesopotamia over four thousand years ago at the spring equinox.

In the year 46 a. C., in Rome, Julio Caesar decided to move the date to January in honor to the God of the beginnings, Jano, since that way a synchrony with the movements of the Sun was obtained. It is from here that this tradition became habitual in the European territories.
But in the Middle Ages, Christian leaders changed the date again because they viewed the festival as pagan, and the beginning of the year began on March 25.

Later, in 1582, the reform of Pope Gregory XIII was implanted and the Gregorian calendar was created, thanks to which the year begins again on January 1st. A large number of countries follow this calendar so they celebrate a new year that day, but other countries celebrate it on other dates. 

  • The Mapuche New Year is July 24. 
  • The New Year Inca is commemorated on July 24. 
  • The Aimara New Year takes place on June 21. 
  • The Ethiopian New Year is celebrated on September 11. 
  • The Iranian New Year is celebrated on the spring equinox (on 21 March).
  • Chinese New Year and Vietnamese New Year begins on the first day of the first lunar month and lasts for 15 days. 
  • In Israel between September and October. 
  • And in India on March 22.
 I wish you much love, health, peace, stability, patience, joy, happiness, remember that in our hands is to make every year better, and also in us to change, we live on the same planet. Stop all that hate, racism, wars, stop complaining and do nothing, change if we want to continue living, learn not to repeat the stories of the past, and please follow your own ideals, whatever you want for your life, not what others tell you is right is true, be aware, love, show respect for others, live, enjoy and most importantly be HAPPY.


Recetas saludables.

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