Postprandial sleepiness.
Have you ever happened to feel very sleepy after eating? This time I'll comment because it happens.
First of all, I want to share that in Mexico is known as "the evil of pork" and this because one of the habits of the pig, is sleep soundly after eating. So if you listen to a Mexican saying you have or gave him the evil of pork, do not panic is not a disease caused by a pig.
What is it?
The name that is known to this event is alkaline tide, or postprandial sleepiness.
The name that is known to this event is alkaline tide, or postprandial sleepiness.
It's a reaction after excessive food intake occurs mainly at lunchtime. It is an energy low product of the activity of the parasympathetic nervous system, caused by an excess production of bicarbonate in the blood, the stomach begins to work at full capacity and blood flow in the brain decreases and begins to feel faint giving that feeling sleep, which can take anywhere from five minutes to two hours.
Nutrition experts point out that the alkaline tide affects all people who follow a poor diet.
You begin to feel that sense of sleep right after eating, you do not want to do anything. You feel unable to make or continue your activities. You close your eyes, busy yawning, irritability and desire to sleep at least 15 minutes.
How can you avoid?
- Eating a low fat diet.Increased consumption of vegetables.
- Eat lightly and slowly.
- Fed 3 to 5 times a day.
- Walking 10 to 15 minutes after eating.
- Drinking plenty of water.
- Do not caress the belly after eating.
- Sunbathe (generates vitamin D it reduces the production of melatonin, a hormone that causes sleepiness).
Well you know if you do not want the evil of pork comes to you, follow a healthy diet, that's all.
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