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Valentine's Day

 February 14th (Valentine's Day)

I'm sure we all celebrated the day of love and friendship (as we say in Mexico) or Valentine's Day, and well I think no one is saved because it is a good excuse to show how much you love, your couple or have a good time with friends and family.,
But we will know the true history of Valentine's Day.

This is based on a legend of Rome in the third century, where a priest defied the orders of the Roman Emperor Claudius Aurelius Marcus Gothicus, Claudius II, who had forbidden the celebration of marriages for young people, because in his view, singles, without a family and with less strings attached, made better soldiers.

The priest Valentine believes that the decree was unjust and secretly celebrated marriages for young lovers and so the Emperor Claudius ordered to imprison Valentine, was martyred, and then run it. The Asterius official in charge of jail, wanted to ridicule. and test Valentin. He challenged you restore sight to his daughter, named Julia, who was born blind. Valentine agreed, and on behalf of the Lord restored her sight. 

But there was a problem, Valentine fell in love with the girl. On the eve of his execution, he sent a goodbye note he signed with the words "from your Valentine". Asterius and his family converted to Christianity but were unable to free Valentin of his execution.

Valentine was beheaded on February 14, 270 A.D. The day you lose your head for love!

Now we will know some fun facts of this day.
  • Penicillin was introduced to the market on February 14. The antibiotic used to treat various sexually transmitted diseases, it introduced a Feb. 14, 1929. 
  • Condom sales increased by 30%, the Valentine's Day. On Valentine's Day, lovers not only enjoy also manufacturers of condoms, condom sales increased between 20% and 30%.
  • In Japan, only women celebrate Valentine's Day. Women celebrate their partners and men do nothing. It is customary for Japanese women give chocolates to their boyfriends and husbands. Men respond on March 14, a month to think well if your partner deserves a great gift or wilted flowers.
  • Awareness Day about Impotence ?. On 14 February 2000, Pfizer, producer of the drug Viagra, used the date to marketing. In England the date the call "Awareness Day Impotence" was dedicated.
  • Better alone than in bad company. US feminist groups created the "Quirkyalone day," dedicated to those who prefer to be single and not feel obligated. Thus, on February 14 remember that it is better to be alone than in bad company, as the saying goes.    
Happy Valentine, and remember that every day we have to celebrate love. 



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