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This time I will talk about a seed that today some people consider one of the many superfoods (although this term is only marketing), I mean Chia.

The word Chia, is of Mayan origin, belonging to the mint family, which means strength. This seed was one of the staple foods of the Aztecs and Mayans. Present science explains why ancient civilizations considered chia a basic component of their diet.

Chia (Salvia hispanica L.) is a plant of the family Labiatae (Lamiaceae). It is grown mainly in Mexico, Guatemala and Bolivia. Chia plant requires a tropical or sub-tropical weather.

The seed is rich in mucilage, starch and oil, in addition, they are packed with vitamins, minerals and fatty acids, which help our body fight fat and provide many benefits.

The chemical composition of the Chia and their nutritional value, gives great potential for the feeding. These seeds offer a new opportunity to improve human nutrition, being a natural source of Omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, proteins, vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber.

Chia seeds:

  • They do not contain gluten. 
  • They are healthy and contain Omega 3, antioxidants and fiber.
  • They have 5 times more calcium than milk.
  • 3 times more the amount of antioxidants than blueberries.  
  • 3 times more the amount of iron than spinach.
  • 2 more times the amount of fiber than oats.
  • 2 more times the amount of protein than any vegetable.
  • 2 more times the amount of potassium than bananas.

Among its benefits:

  • Aid digestion, improve intestinal transit and has satiating effect. 
  • Control appetite. 
  • Collaborate in maintaining good cardiovascular health.
  • They help us stay hydrated.
  • Healthy source of Omega 3. 
  • Help to control blood sugar levels. It brings benefits for diabetics. 
  • Protect us from the harmful effects of the environment. 
  • Provides energy to whom it consumes. 
  • Help to improve the health of the nervous and immune systems. 
  • Improve brain activity and help with emotional problems. 
  • Promote muscle growth and tissue regeneration. 
  • Relieve pain in the joints. 
  • Help to control cholesterol levels and blood pressure.

I must confess that I have several years consuming chia and I love it but of course we must not exceed the recommended dose, which is two tablespoons or 15 grams of chia. Currently there are endless recipes from water to desserts with chia.   



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