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Snapchat dysmorphia.

 Snapchat dysmorphia.


The arrangement of images with digital retouching, filters, and social networks has changed the way people see themselves, causing a negative influence on their self-esteem.


All these effects that manage to make a change in our photographs making us see better have made some people become obsessed with their virtual images, coming to hate their real image, in some more severe cases a compulsive disorder called 'Snapchat dysmorphia has been identified. '.


What is it?

Snapchat dysmorphia is a term coined to the obsession that someone can have with their photographs manipulated by the tools of the networks, mainly Instagram and Snapchat.


With this body dysmorphia, the complexes related to their physical appearance are exacerbated, causing depression, anxiety, and personality changes. In some cases, they even go to the plastic surgeon to ask him to transform his real face into that of the photo retouched by the filters.


Tips to strengthen self-esteem to avoid this disorder.

  • Limit the use of social networks. 
  • Do offline activities, disconnect, and enjoy. 
  • Choose very well who you follow, follow people who contribute something to your life and inspire you positively. 
  • Be responsible for your publications. 
  • Avoid using your smart devices when you wake up, eat, and before sleep. 
  • Remove notifications from your social networks.


Loving ourselves and raising our self-esteem is key to not falling into this disorder, it is also very important to keep in mind that we are all different and that is the most beautiful of all and remember that not everything we see on social networks is true, what is seen in networks is a piece of reality that is edited. Some people may appear to have everything but the reality can be very different and you don't know the whole story.


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