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No more aggression


On this occasion I could not stop writing about three cases that happened, and the truth, personally as a human being, woman and communication professional and journalist I felt very angry, helpless and very frustrated, and that is that one news went adding to the other and had to write my feelings and say that like many people I do believe in you and please enough of so much aggression, it is not possible that in these moments with everything that we live day after day we still want to hurt, assault, humiliate, do less to the other and get to kill another living being.

If we see and read the news every day there are notes of wars, attacks, deaths, robberies, rapes and aggressions, against men, women, children, babies, from one country to another, etc., and the worst of the case is that they increase and nobody puts an end or justice on all these events, and also, unfortunately, some people within social networks become experts in the issues, criticizing, insulting, making fun of what happened and supporting criminals. 

To understand a little more why I feel about them I explain in broad terms the three cases to which I refer.

1. The first case (it may be that you already know it) is that of the rape towards an 18-year-old girl in Spain at the fiesta of San Fermín, by 5 men from a group called "La Manada", this group recorded everything that they did to the young woman, but for the judges were not enough the statements of the girl or the video, since they were only given nine years in prison for sexual abuse, absolving them of aggression and rape. Here the comments go from the support to the young girl as well as saying that they do not believe her. 

2. The second case is that of María Fernanda Mora, a sports reporter who had been sent to broadcast live in the celebration of football fans of the Chivas team in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico, and during the transmission between the people was touched without her consent on several occasions and she could not take it anymore and hit the aggressor, this is a case where there are also clearly videos proving the truth of what happened, but it did not take long for social networks to defend the aggressor and tell the reporter that it is not a job for women. 

3. The last case is about a one-year-old girl being raped by a 25-year-old man who is a fugitive from justice, while the girl is seriously ill in the hospital because she has a vaginal, rectal and intestinal tear, caused by the violation, in this case, the comments on social networks do not support the fugitive rapist, but if they go against the mother for having left the girl in the care of her neighbors.

These facts together with those that continue to be committed around the world towards innocent people, who want to enjoy their lives, who work, who want to grow, laugh, play, dance, learn, know, etc., are what put me doubt about the fate of society and of justice in general. It can not be that we are becoming so indifferent, that it is believed that there are no consequences, that there is no respect for people or laws. Please be more human and respect each person and be alive on this planet.



Recetas saludables.

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