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Mexican Inventions

From Mexico to the world.

Mexico has much to give and now I share some inventions made by Mexicans and to this day, continue to be used.

Color TV: Engineer Guillermo González Camarena invented the sequential trichromatic field system, which would lay the groundwork for the development of color television. He received the patent in 1942, applying improvements in 1960 and 1962. The system was used by NASA for the Voyager mission, a probe that sent images and video of Saturn in 1979.

Contraceptive Pill: It was in 1951 when the chemist Luis Ernesto Miramontes, together with scientists Carl Djerassi and George Rosenkran, synthesized norethisterone, the first oral progestin orally active compound of most oral contraceptives today.

Indelible ink: This ink is impregnated into the cells of the skin and remains for up to 24 hours. Created by engineer Filiberto Vázquez Dávila of the National School of Biological Sciences of the Instituto Politécnico Nacional (IPN), it was used for the first time in the 1994 ballots in Mexico, in order to identify who had already voted and who did not.

Antigrafiti painting: Developed in the Center of Applied Physics and Advanced Technology of the UNAM, this biodegradable substance allows to remove dyes like those used in street pints. DELETUM 3000 is a registered trademark and began to be manufactured industrially from the beginning of 2002 from nanotechnology.

Machine to make tortillas: Invented in 1904 by Everardo Rodriguez Arce and Luis Romero, was a head rolled rollers and a conveyor chain reached a tortilla comal and produced 16,000 per day. In 1947 Fausto Celorio created the first automatic machine.

Tridilosa system: In 1966 the engineer Heberto created this particular tridimensional structural mezzanine system mixed steel, which reduces the amount of material used without prejudicing the strength of the structure of the constructs.

Sponge iron: In 1957, Hylsa developed the first efficient process for the direct reduction of iron, through which the 'sponge iron' is obtained, a porous material free of impurities, easy to transport and handle.

Propeller Anahuac: Designed by the engineer and aviator Juan Guillermo de Villasana, this propeller of wood favored the increase of the revolutions of the engines in the aircrafts. It was so successful that it was exported to several countries.

Translucent concrete: Developed in 2005 by the engineers of the UAM, Joel Sosa and Sergio Galván, this concrete allows the passage of light, conducts electricity and has greater resistance than conventional concrete. 

Float: The 'floating automatic shutter' prevents waste of water in toilets, water tanks and cisterns. It was invented in 1790 by theologian, historian and journalist José Antonio de Alzate.
Plastic with cigars: Sergio Barrientos of the Universidad Anáhuac, reuses cigarette butts to make new plastics.

Smart Band: David Gomez of the IPN within his PhD in the UK, develops a smart bandage that monitors wounds.
 vendas head 526

Mathematics in oil fields: Benito Martínez de la UNAM, helps to better exploit an oil field through mathematics.

Mtro. Benito Fernando Martinez 0416

Medicine for the spine: Luis Quintanar of the Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes, made a medicine for the spine that helps people recover part of the movement after suffering an accident.

200 Patentes Dr Jose Luis Quintanar

Solar air conditioning: In the Instituto Tecnológico de Culiacán they make an air conditioning system that works with rays of sun.

Antivenom: Alejandro Alagón de la UNAM made the only Mexican antivenom for scorpion stings approved in the world. It has also created antivenom for black widows, coral snake and spider fiddle unique in the world.  

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