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Mexican species.

Animals in Mexico.

In the post of this occasion I want to share this information, about the species that live in Mexico and some of them are endemic to this country, this means that they only inhabit this territory, in short words they are 100% Mexican.

Mexico is one of the 12 countries of the world with greater biodiversity and is within the so-called megadiverse countries.

The Mexican territory is home to approximately 12% of all species of mammals in the world, 10% of all fish, birds 11% and 10% of all amphibians. In addition to possessing a great wealth of endemic species like the ajolote or the Mexican wolf.

Ajolote: From the Nahuatl, axolotl, which means "water monster," is an animal that has become a symbol of Mexico, the characteristic of the ajolote is that it is able to regenerate on its own, because of this characteristic, several medical studies have now been performed. This species lives in its natural state, in the channels of Xochimilco in Mexico city.

Tlacuache: Omnivorous animal that is currently the only Mexican marsupial. It has a flexible bag under the belly called a marsupi, which serves to protect and breastfeed their young, since when they are born they are not fully developed. The tlacuache was the first Mexican mammal that traveled to Europe hidden in the ships that carried fruits from the New World.

Quetzal: Quetzal is a word of Nahuatl origin - associated with quetzalli, 'beautiful bright feather' - with which is named, since pre-Hispanic times, the most beautiful bird in America. For the cultures of central and southern Mexico it was a sacred animal; the Aztecs associated it with Quetzalcoatl and the Maya with Kukulkan. In both, the bond was with deities related to heaven and earth. This bird nestles in the cloud forests of Oaxaca and Chiapas, Mexico; as well as in Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama.

Mexican gray wolf: Scientific name Canis lupus baileyi, this is one of the smaller species of wolf, declared subspecies threatened since 1976, and its situation still was getting worse since at the moment it is classified like extinct in the wild state, that means that there is no gray wolf living in freedom. This wolf extended from the Sonoran Desert, Chihuahua and central Mexico, to western Texas, southern New Mexico and central Arizona, occupying a wide variety of habitats, from desert and semi-arid zones to temperate forests. 

Ocelot: Mexican feline, also called tigrillo and xacycin; is a medium-sized, spotted animal with a small head and relatively short tail. In Mexico, the territory of the ocelot covers the tropical coastal plains and mountain ranges on both sides of the country, from Sonora and Tamaulipas, Veracruz, Oaxaca, Tabasco, the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, the jungles of Chiapas and the Yucatan peninsula. This beautiful feline has been recorded in codices, stelae and other Mayan representations and even used it to name a month of the Mexican calendar. 

Vaquita: It only exists in Mexico and has no close relatives; Is the smallest species of the cetacean family, and usually swim alone in shallow water. It is one of the most threatened animals in the country, with only about 60 specimens remaining. Industrial and community fishing is its main threat.

Xoloitzcuintle: It is a Mexican hairless dog, is a canine breed that is associated with the Mexicas, because they thought that they were his guides towards the beyond. These dogs were sacrificed and buried along with their owners to be able to open the way to the underworld. The xoloitzcuintles are a 100% Mexican breed.

Chihuahua dog: Considered as the smallest dog in the world, the Chihuahua enjoys an undoubted notoriety. But, as with many other races, its origins are much discussed. According to the hypothesis that more adepts has, it descends from the techichi, a dog raised by the Toltecs, a people who preceded the Aztecs in central Mexico. Read more:

Great crested toad: Also known as Incilius cristatus is a species of amphibian of the family Bufonidae, endemic to the center of the Sierra Madre Oriental (Mexico). Its natural habitat is the pristine cloud forest where oak dominates, however, due to the destruction of its natural habitat this incredible toad is in danger of extinction.

Jaguar: Being one of the main symbols of the pre-Hispanic culture of Mexico, the jaguar is the spiritual protector of the most important natives such as rulers, priests and sorcerers. It is the largest feline in America, inhabits from almost desert places like the Arizona Desert or the Mexican plateau to tropical jungles like the Amazon. In Mexico, this species is distributed from the rainforests of southeastern Mexico, to the Rio Bravo in the Gulf and in the Sierra Madre Occidental of the Pacific coast, to the borders with Belize and Guatemala.  

Spiny-tailed Iguana: An endemic species of Mexico, whose most conspicuous populations can be seen in the state of Veracruz. It is also known as thorny iguana of the gulf, black iguana, tilcampo or chiguipile, at birth is regularly confused with the green iguana for presenting the same tonality; however, after a few months the hue changes completely to its characteristic color.

These are just some of the species that can be found in Mexico, but there are many more that inhabit this country that must be cared for and respected alike.


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