Diabetes type 1.5 or LADA. This time I will talk about another type of diabetes, this is diabetes type 1.5 or LADA. What is it? Diabetes 1.5 is one of the names that are now being used for cases of adult patients who are diagnosed with diabetes and do not need to start insulin for treatment and generally not overweight and have no or very little resistance insulin . It is also commonly known as diabetes LADA corresponding to the acronym of autoimmune diabetes in adults "Latent Autoimmune Diabetes in Adults " is defined as a genetic autoimmune disorder. In this type of diabetes the immune system of these patients does not recognize the beta cells of the pancreas, which are responsible for producing insulin and attacks them . In patients with LADA, this attack occurs slowly and progressively . 15 to 20% of people diagnosed with diabetes type 2 actually have type 1.5. They are often misdiagnosed, because it is adult and early usually respond to tre...
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