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Mexican superheroes

The Mexican Superheroes.
Everyone I'm sure knows Batman, Superman, Flash, The Wonder Woman, Aquaman, etc., in short, all those superheroes that came out of a comic to the big screen. But in Mexico we also have our superheroes who fight against evil, some of them came to other parts of the world, but most, I must confess that I do not know them, well just by name.

That is why I will now present these 100% Mexican heroes.

El Chapulín Colorado: Roberto Gómez Bolaños better known as "Chespirito", is the genius who created this unique character with his "chipote chillón", his "chiquitolina" pills, and his endearing phrases like "Follow me the good ones", conquered Viewers. The Chapulín Colorado is still present and passed from generation to generation making it unforgettable.
El Santo: This hero is known in Mexican wrestling, which is part of Mexican popular culture, El Santo is a fighter who came to the movies to fight against vampires, mummies, zombies, witches, thieves and an endless monsters.

Kalimán: Kalimán was born in the radio novels and later continues in the comic books, where they narrated the adventures of a fair man who dedicates his life in body and soul to fight the forces of the evil always accompanied by Solín. With his eagerness for justice, he toured various regions of the planet and faced an infinity of dangers and misfortunes.

Karmatron and the transformables: The Mexican Transformers, this comic had space ships, magic, mythology and giant robots that transformed into vehicles and had an excellent story and was full of elements linked to Mexican culture. 

Zor and the invincibles: This comic narrated the adventures of Tito and Paty, children who along with Zor and its dog Pipo, fought against a multitude of picturesque villains.

Solitary Eagle: White Cloud is the survivor of a murdered American tribe. He grew up in the mountains and under the tutelage of a huge eagle, who taught him the arts and the ways of birds, thus born Solitary Eagle, with eagle feathers built his famous wings and dedicated his life to protect people from many mysterious enemies.

Zooman: This man was in charge of protecting and caring for Mexico City, the fly-man gained his powers thanks to that he was exposed to a mixture of calamine and silver, which gave him such extraordinary agility and ability to fly.

Ultrapato: Carlos Bay, is a 20 year old duck who lives in a world called Valiant and one day finds gloves of extraterrestrial origin that endow him with super powers, but, is not the only one that finds this type of artifact since a second pair of gloves is found by a villain that when putting on the gloves becomes Ultragallo, who becomes the archenemy of Ultrapato.

These are just some of the Mexican superheroes, it might be that in the future they will join the superhero leagues that we all know.   


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