Wars and their consequences. Power and dominance are words that seemed to have been asleep for a few years, but today they wake up again. What is a war? It is an armed conflict between two relatively massive human groups, using all kinds of strategies and technologies, to violently impose themselves on the other, either causing death or simply defeat. It is the most serious form of social and political conflict that can exist between two or more human communities. But war threatens life and social organization, replaces civil order with military norms and standards, and not only implies the death of people but also the loss of their autonomy. War represents a resounding failure of Reason and modern civilization. Therefore, it would be a "total social phenomenon" (Tiryakian, 2004), since it usually implies: The suspension of the rule of law and, consequently, of certain citizenship rights; The transformation of economic activity from a civilian a...
A little bit of everything