Stretch marks. This time I will talk about a theme that women worry about and give them something of fear that someday appear in their body because it will not be perfect (stereotypes of ridiculous beauty, because there is no perfection). What are stretch marks? Stretch marks are lines in the skin that usually appear by breaking the elastic fibers of the skin. When the skin is stretched the fibers with less elasticity are broken creating marks. At first the stretch marks are pinkish then reddish and finally white. Stretch marks are basically the reflection of the separation of the skin. They commonly appear on the belly, breasts, buttocks, hips, thighs, arms. Why do they appear? The most common causes are: Pregnancy: It is due to the increased volume of the belly, which causes the skin to stretch too much. Sudden Weight Changes: They may appear to gain or lose weight quickly because the skin does not have enough time to adjust to the new cond...
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